
NOVEMBER 1, 2011

Here is another Photoshop animation I did for fun :) This time I added more in-betweens to make the movement smoother. It's of Nolan waking up underwater and looking around frantically. Enjoy! :)

OCTOBER 7, 2011
Here's another animation of Nolan running away from someone (most likely Rick). This is the first time I've every utilized a background in one of my animations :) Enjoy!

OCTOBER 6, 2011
Yeah! Now I have sound in my animations :) This one is of Janice and I recorded my voice and then looped it in. Hope you like! Enjoy!

OCTOBER 4, 2011                                                 
 Here's a quick animation of Rick saying "fine!" in response to getting an assignment that he doesn't want to do  :) Enjoy!

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011
I decided to try out the animation option in Photoshop again, this time with a little bit more experience :) This animation is of Nolan freaking out about something and then rolling up his sleeve. Hope you like it and Enjoy! :) (sorry about the speed, the animation is really fast) Clean Sweep and animation created by Karina McBeth